Saturday, July 7, 2012

Math for Smarties

Let's try this... solve the following problem.

Describe the solutions to this equations.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Reflect on your year in Algebra II

Reflect using one of the following questions:
When reflecting on your year, focus on these essential questions
What was the title of the course?
What were the skills involved in being successful throughout the year?
What background skills or knowledge did you need ?
What procedures did you follow?
What skills did you improve upon this year?
What were your strengths? weaknesses?

1. Thinking back (connecting to past memories and experiences that relate to the course) eg. What prior learning or previous life experiences come to my mind about this topic?
2. Thinking forward (considering future implications of the topic) eg. What aspect of this course would I like to study further? How might this learning influence my future?
3. Thinking inward (recognizing feelings and emotions about the topic) eg. Do I have negative or positive associations with this class? Where might that be coming from?
4. Thinking outward (considering other’s point of view on the class) How might another person view this course? In what ways does that view differ from mine?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Value of Reflection

During the semester it is important to think about where you were, where you are and where you're going in terms of your learning. Math is a challenging subject and does not always have obvious relevance in our lives. Post your ideas about ways your see math in your daily experiences. I challenge you to think mathematically and take notice to the many ways math is important in everything you do.

reflection is NOT the same thing as summarizing. Only summarize the content of the material or experience when it is necessary for the reader to understand what you are saying and the comments you make.

Post your thoughts on our class wall.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Math and CTE Project Proposal

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Algebra II Syllabus

Welcome to Algebra II. DUE DATES: USE THE GOOGLE CALENDAR IN MOODLE. We will be using Moodle as our Course Management System. There you will be able to access the syllabus for the course and download lectures to your laptop, use the calender to keep track of upcoming events. Please visit Moodle and review the syllabus for the course. Please have all necessary materials ready for the first day of school. Comment in the weblog outlining the expectations for the course. What are some of the topics we are studying this year? How will Moodle benefit you throughout the course? Next download Lesson 1.1 to your laptop and post a comment about the lesson. Does this seem familiar? /25

Monday, July 26, 2010

Using Garageband to Podcast

Watch the Garageband Tutorials for help.
Read Chapter 10 and 11 of the manual.



Arithmetic of Life and Death

Some suggestions for Podcasts:

Chapter summary and mathematical concept.
Podcast as a letter to a soldier in Iraq.
Make a Dr. Suess themed podcast.
Create a radio show podcast.

DUE Aug 27, 2010

This rubric will guide you.

Use Garageband to record your summary. Watch this instructional video to help you create your podcast. You will not be using headphones unless you have them. Make sure the input output in system preferences is set to built in microphone.
Write about your experience using podcasting in our weblog. Use the podcasting directions found in Moodle. Be sure to save your podcast with your name. Then upload your podcast and your chapter summaries to Moodle in the forum.

Here is an example of a book review podcast. You can find other examples at Brookline Book Reviews or use Apple's website for additional resources.

Listen to this episode



Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Machine is US/ing US

What is different about the new web? How has the web helped you as a learner? What are some of the ways you use the web to learn and to connect to others?